Apply for a Grant
What We Fund:
The Engeseth-Rinde Restoration Fund makes available grants to fund
habitat restoration;
related ecological and social research; and
related educational projects.
Projects must focus on units of the Prairie Creek Wildlife Management Area or other properties located in a corridor between Nerstrand and Dennison Minnesota.
The primary purpose of the fund is to benefit the Engeseth-Rinde Unit of Prairie Creek Wildlife Management Area.
The secondary purpose is to benefit other units of Prairie Creek Wildlife Management Area (such as the Koester Prairie Unit) and other properties near these units, between Nerstrand and Dennison, Minnesota.
Click here to see descriptions of current and past grant-supported projects.
Who We Are:
The Fund was created by generous gifts from Don Nelson and is administered by Northfield SHARES Foundation. The Engeseth-Rinde Fund Advisory Committee was established to assist Northfield SHARES Foundation in making grant distributions from the Fund and is responsible for gathering, evaluating and recommending proposed grant projects to be funded.
Who May Apply for Grants
We accept grant applications from
government agencies,
non-profit organizations,
educational institutions (primary-college) and
other similar entities.
Application Process
Applicants may apply for grants by completing the Engeseth-Rinde Restoration Fund Grant Application and submitting it to the Advisory Committee. A Grant Application form is posted here:
An example of a successful applications is posted here:
Completed applications should be submitted to David Kuhnau by email or by regular mail by the timeline indicated below. Grant applications may be for amounts ranging from $500 to $30,000.
Applicants are encouraged to contact Dave Kuhnau (dbkuhnau@gmail.com) for further clarification and guidance. After an initial review, applicants may also be invited to present their proposed project to the full Advisory Committee as part of the evaluation process.
Grant Cycle Timeline
The Advisory Committee will each year generally follow the schedule outlined below:
August 1: Publish a call for grant applications and amounts of funds available
October 1: Applications are due
November 1: Advisory Committee announces grant winners
Prior to December 31: Grant Agreements are signed and funds disbursed
Grant Application Evaluation
The Advisory Committee will consider how well the proposed grant fulfills the targeted activities of the Restoration Fund, the current priorities for on-going restoration activity managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the funding available.
Grant Agreement Form
Successful applicants must complete the Northfield SHARES Grant Agreement, below.
Applicants are encouraged to read and be familiar with this document before applying for Engeseth-Rinde Restoration Fund Grants.
Required Reporting
Grantees are required to submit annual reports on progress of the grant activity as noted in Section 7 of the Northfield SHARES Grant Agreement. A final (annual) report is required at the end of the project.
You may contact Dave Kuhnau at dbkuhnau@gmail.com for additional information about the Engeseth-Rinde Restoration Fund and the grant making process.